A word of advice to all of us


"The time given to us is already fixed by God. No matter how you propose to make it longer, it will never be...The key is to do the best in every moment and do it systematically. Don't rush to finish evrything. You have to manage yourself in order to do the tasks. You should decide to make the task easy or difficult for yourself. If you take it easy, then you will face no problems to handle it, but if you make it more difficult, then it will be stressful and make one begin to be lazy..Take a rest for a few minutes and then carry on again...Try different approaches. Take it easy and keep cool...let people see you, you are doing good even with LOTS of works, stay healthy and beautiful...this also an advice to myself..."

Good words....good thoughts and just wanna sharing to all...heee..from my lecturer :)

Rezeki manusia bukan boleh nampak di kaki


Lately buat-buat bizi dengan fyp jee..konon..padahal aku tak tau pon lagi nak buat tajuk apeeee !!! T_________T

Jelesnye tengok kawan-kawan yang dah abes setel fyp ..siap dah nak grad..untunglah dorang sebab program 3tahun je..dah boleh grab degree bagai.siap nk further master plak kan...aku?haihh....degree pon tak lepas-lepas lagi...hope fyp ak akan berjalan dengan lancar..hope dapat supervisor yang sangat dapat push ak yang sangat malas nih heee ^__^...

lagi berapa hari je nak kena siapkan proposal nih tapi tak statrt pon lagi...arghh.....Please show me your guidance Allah!!!amin..hope everything will be fine as smooth as possible...asap jgk kan???heeee...
and for those kawan-kawan yang dah nak grad, millions congratulations to all of you..Good Job frens!!all your hardwork worth!

semoga akan ade idea-idea yang bernas lagi memberangsangkan untuk fyp aku..aminnnnnnn...
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